Thursday, March 22, 2012

Hello world. We're going to see you!

Today, I reconfirmed my application to Alcalá, Spain.  I was a day behind Amanda, naturally, because she does not procrastinate like a normal college student.  (Weird.)  I submitted the application to UCF Study Abroad website yesterday, and after filling in a bit of medical history and agreeing to a deposit, I am confirmed, accepted, reconfirmed, and reaccepted! 

That’s one thing we’re learning-- there are a lot of repetitive hoops to jump through when you’re planning a semester abroad.  Procrastination jokes aside, it’s good that we’ve started this process early.  It began last semester with browsing the Study Abroad website and attending the Study Abroad Fair.  Since January, we’ve been working with the Study Abroad office and other resources they provided.  We have our applications to the Universidad de Alcalá de Henares already completed, and our classes picked out.  We’re working on a variety of forms for things such as housing preferences, due in a couple months.  We’ll be getting our visas over the summer, and then we’ll be off to España!

Since this is our first post, I guess I’ll add a bit more about us to what Amanda already mentioned in the “About Us” column.  I’m currently a sophomore and Amanda is a freshman.  We’re cousins and we’re roommates.  Rooming together this year has been awesome because during middle and high school, we lived several states apart and didn’t get to see much of each other.  We both love art, music, animals, Spanish, and having adventures.  We’re also both very excited about this trip.  For example, I recently received a text from Amanda that said: “Spain! That is all.”  Aaand, that is all for now.  Spain!

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